English 12 builds on student literacy and language arts skills to promote effective writing, critical thinking, and analysis of literature. The course material walks students through British literary pieces, including short works of fiction and nonfiction, poems, novels, and plays written by a variety of authors providing varying topics and perspectives. This course expands upon proficiencies in the fundamentals of reading and writing with emphasis on comprehension and mastery of syntax, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and usage in written communication, along with word analysis and systematic vocabulary development. Students will write informative, narrative, argumentative, and other expository texts appropriate to audience, task, and purpose, and demonstrate command of the English language. Students will also examine the influence of historical and cultural contexts.


The Smartfox credit recovery classes balance the mastery expectations of all Smartfox courses with the flexibility needed by students who didn't quite get it the first time around and need more support and a second try!

Sarah Delawder - Director of Curriculum, Method Schools